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Showing posts from February, 2018

Note to Self

Note to Self Considering. I spend way too much time considering. Considering the unfairness of life. Considering the influence I could have if I just did. Considering the vulnerability of letting my fears go. Considering all of the crazy things that can go wrong with my body. Considering my life is more than half over. Considering whether or not I completely messed up my innocent kids. These are my big "considerings". I'm not including what I'm making for dinner, or what I should add to my winter wardrobe, or how the furniture should be arranged. I still consider but these things are trivial to me. I don't have space in my brain to even hesitate over these things. I drive myself crazy thinking, thinking, thinking. Stinking thinking. Where can considering get me? A careful, thought out plan of execution? Maybe. Crazy town? More likely. I can only control so much. My considering morphs into worry - almost every single time. What then? Anxiousness. Anxio...